Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, students can create avatars unique to them and customize their avatar to reflect their skin tone, hair, dress, style, and more! Schedule a demo today for a sneak peek!

  • We are currently piloting StudentVerse across the United States. It all starts with an introductory demo so we can tailor StudentVerse to your district’s needs. After that, we will assign you a dedicated account manager who will assist you every step of the way.

  • We understand the needs of schools, so we made sure StudentVerse will be compatible with education’s most-used types of computers: Chromebooks, PCs, and Macs. Future developments will include a mobile and iPad-based version.

  • No, StudentVerse is completely customizable for your school district’s and state curriculum requirements. StudentVerse requires a teacher, lesson plans, and curriculum that you supply. We are not another program; we are a platform to take your students’ engagement to the next level!

  • StudentVerse is made for teachers, by teachers. We understand the intense pressures that schools and teachers face for accountability data. Teachers and schools can make sure students are learning what they need to learn with a robust reporting and analytics admin dashboard. This dashboard helps teachers, students, and parents see where students are excelling and where they need extra help. We’re more than another learning platform; we also deliver deep insights into students’ performance in real time with our admin dashboard. The problem of waiting for student engagement data and test results until it’s too late is over with StudentVerse. Schedule a demo today to experience this powerful tool.

  • StudentVerse is used in multiple ways for schools back in person and for virtual instruction. In-person classes use StudentVerse for hybrid instruction or teaching students still at home while others are in in-person and providing a fun, interactive experience once a week for a specific reward, curriculum, or lesson. It’s also used for after-school tutoring, remediation, and extracurriculurs. StudentVerse is completely customizable!

  • StudentVerse is modeled after a traditional classroom experience, while offering the capabilities of a metaverse. Our platform enables collaboration, problem solving, communication, and digital citizenship skill building. Teachers across the nation comment on how there are infinite possibilities for engaging students using StudentVerse.